

Heavy metal toxicity is a serious condition and a growing concern for physicians worldwide due to the rising presence of toxic metals in our...

3 September 2024

Endocrine Disruptors in Plastics and Pesticides Can Cause Global Health Threats A new report by the Endocrine Society and the International...

15 May 2024
 Infertility & Toxins

Toxins and Women’s Health: The Impact of Environmental Toxins on Fertility, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding The risks of environmental toxins have...

5 September 2023
 Urine Heavy Metals

A Guide to Toxic Metals from Exposure to Detoxification Chronic toxicity has become the next insidious health crisis. Aluminum, arsenic, mercury, and...

10 June 2023
 Detox & Heavy Metals

Detoxifying in a Toxic World: How to Combat Environmental Toxins Our world is changing. In the past 75 years, dozens of newly introduced chemicals...

25 May 2023
 6 Places Toxic Heavy Metals Live in the Body

Surprising Places Where Toxic Heavy Metals Live The phrase “heavy metals toxicity” is gaining attention in the mainstream, health-focused media....

1 August 2022

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