Dr. Ghen

Dr. Ghen

Mitchell Ghen, DO, Ph.D. has 33 years of experience in Anti-Aging and holistic and integrative medicine. Along with his work in nutritional medicine, “Dr. Mitch” has a remarkable amount of experience as an expert clinician and researcher in the field of stem cell transplantation. In addition to being a physician, Dr. Mitch holds a Master’s Degree in Biomechanical Trauma and has a Ph.D. in nutrition and psychoneuroimmunology. He is an international lecturer on oral and IV nutrition and stem cell transplantation and is recognized as one of the premier teachers at conferences and seminars on integrative medicine. His private practice is in Boca Raton, Florida. Dr. Mitch’s vast academic knowledge, coupled with his entertaining delivery, makes him one of the most sought after personalities in his field. Currently, he is a medical director for several Natural Medicine companies and a consultant for physicians worldwide, teaching them how to implement integrative medicine into their practices. He is the co-author of four textbooks including the “Advance Guide to Longevity Medicine,” “The Ghen and Raine’s Guide to Compounding Pharmaceuticals,” “The Anti-Aging Physicians’ Handbook for Compounding Pharmaceuticals,” and “The Essentials and Science of IV Parenteral Medicine.”

 Communicating Lab Testing to Patients

Allergy testing plays a pivotal role in identifying and managing various health conditions, yet patients often underappreciate its benefits. This can...

31 July 2024
 Wellness Screening

Why Wellness Panels are Important for Preventative Health Screenings Physicians generally acknowledge and strongly endorse the benefits of primary...

5 June 2024
 Hair Loss

Hair Loss – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Despite the popularity of natural treatments and preventative measures, hair loss remains a prevalent...

22 April 2024
 Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Sports Awareness of traumatic brain injury (TBI) has grown exponentially in the past several decades. The risks,...

18 March 2024
 Seasonal Depression

What is the Best Natural Treatment for Seasonal Depression? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as seasonal depression, affects millions of...

19 February 2024
 Allergies & Innflamation

Understanding the Connection Between Inflammation & Health For decades, inflammation has remained a central issue for the medical community. It...

24 January 2024
 Heart Failure Signs

Heart Failure: Signs, Diagnosis, and Natural Treatment Options Cardiovascular diseases remain the primary cause of death worldwide. Heart failure...

2 January 2024
 Diet & Hormones

The Impact of a Plant-Based Diet on Hormones and Overall Health In patient care and wellness, diet is taking center stage. As holistic approaches...

30 November 2023
 Impact of Dairy on Overall Health

Is Dairy Bad for You? For decades, balanced diets have included dairy products. In 2021, Americans reached a record high of dairy consumed per...

10 November 2023
 Hormone Biomarkers & Testing

Measuring Hormone Levels Can Help Doctors Address Chronic Health Issues Hormones are the building blocks of everything from fertility to metabolism...

10 October 2023
 Infertility & Toxins

Toxins and Women’s Health: The Impact of Environmental Toxins on Fertility, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding The risks of environmental toxins have...

5 September 2023

The Future of Health: Near-Infrared Tech and Molecular Hydrogen Tools Preventative care and whole-body health is taking center stage for many medical...

1 September 2023
 New Age Cause of Autoimmune Disorders

New Age Cause of Autoimmune Disorders According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), autoimmune disorders in the United States are on the...

1 September 2023
 Intermittent Fasting & Hormones

Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting for Hormone Balancing Hormones When your patient asks about using weight loss to balance their hormones, the...

19 July 2023
 Fatigue in Patients

How Can We Help Patients Fight Fatigue with Comprehensive Laboratory Testing? Fatigue is a hallmark of everything from minor ailments to chronic...

27 June 2023
 Benefits of Photobiomodulation Therapy

Photobiomodulation: What is it, and how does it affect health? For centuries, light has been recognized for its vital role in health and wellness....

18 June 2023

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