

Heavy metal toxicity is a serious condition and a growing concern for physicians worldwide due to the rising presence of toxic metals in our...

3 September 2024
 Foods for Semaglutide

Discover how a holistic approach to semaglutide treatment, emphasizing dietary modifications and B12 supplementation, can optimize patient outcomes....

16 July 2024
 Herbs & Spices

Learn how incorporating Mediterranean herbs and spices can enhance cardiometabolic health and help manage Type II diabetes effectively.

4 July 2024
 Omega-3 DHEA-S

Researchers have found that high doses of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms in mouse models. MS is a chronic autoimmune...

18 June 2024

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by joint inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Research indicates that...

14 June 2024
 Biological Aging

Fasting-Mimicking Diet May Help Reduce Biological Aging A recent study published in Nature Communications suggests that a fasting-like diet, known as...

24 April 2024
 Diet & Brain Again

The Role of Dietary Restriction in Healthy Brain Aging In a recent study published in Nature Communications, researchers at the Buck Institute for...

20 March 2024
 Vitamin D

Vitamin D Deficiency Is Still Prevalent in the US A comprehensive analysis published in the Frontiers journal and utilizing National Health and...

1 February 2024
 Time Restricted Eating

Time-Restricted Eating Can Aid in Weight Loss for Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes In a recent randomized controlled study, researchers investigated...

8 January 2024
 Diet & Hormones

The Impact of a Plant-Based Diet on Hormones and Overall Health In patient care and wellness, diet is taking center stage. As holistic approaches...

30 November 2023
 Impact of Dairy on Overall Health

Is Dairy Bad for You? For decades, balanced diets have included dairy products. In 2021, Americans reached a record high of dairy consumed per...

10 November 2023
 Proactive Health Measures to Combat Pre-Diabetes

Can Pre-Diabetes Be Reversed with Diet and Exercise? In a recent insightful interview showcased on Medical News Today, the discussion revolves around...

30 August 2023
 Intermittent Fasting & Hormones

Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting for Hormone Balancing Hormones When your patient asks about using weight loss to balance their hormones, the...

19 July 2023

Smart Tips for Physicians and Patients to Stay Hydrated in Summer Heat Dehydration is a significant concern, particularly during the hot summer...

27 June 2023
 Exercise & Sleep

Exercising for 30 Minutes a Day Improves Sleep Quality The importance of good sleep cannot be overstated. It is an essential aspect of our overall...

20 May 2023

How Oral Health Affects Patient Wellness Many of your patients are focused on what they eat and how it affects their body. Yet, every day, they...

25 April 2023

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