

Endocrine Disruptors in Plastics and Pesticides Can Cause Global Health Threats A new report by the Endocrine Society and the International...

15 May 2024
 Diet & Hormones

The Impact of a Plant-Based Diet on Hormones and Overall Health In patient care and wellness, diet is taking center stage. As holistic approaches...

30 November 2023
 Hormone Biomarkers & Testing

Measuring Hormone Levels Can Help Doctors Address Chronic Health Issues Hormones are the building blocks of everything from fertility to metabolism...

10 October 2023
 Infertility & Toxins

Toxins and Women’s Health: The Impact of Environmental Toxins on Fertility, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding The risks of environmental toxins have...

5 September 2023
 Intermittent Fasting & Hormones

Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting for Hormone Balancing Hormones When your patient asks about using weight loss to balance their hormones, the...

19 July 2023
 Urine Heavy Metals

A Guide to Toxic Metals from Exposure to Detoxification Chronic toxicity has become the next insidious health crisis. Aluminum, arsenic, mercury, and...

10 June 2023
 Exercise & Sleep

Exercising for 30 Minutes a Day Improves Sleep Quality The importance of good sleep cannot be overstated. It is an essential aspect of our overall...

20 May 2023
 Adrenal Testing

Adrenal Hormones and Testing Adrenal responses define many of your patients’ day-to-day lives. Adrenal hormones are instrumental in sleep, focus, and...

12 April 2023
 Saliva Biomarkers

Health Markers in Saliva Tests Human saliva is 99% water. However, saliva testing provides vital insights into your patients’ health and wellness....

28 March 2023
 Incorporating Honey Treatments

Honey: A Holistic Superfood Honey is making its mark on holistic medicine. Though honey has a long medical track record, honey’s primary use for the...

10 February 2023
 Fasting & Infertility

Intermittent Fasting: What It Is And How It May Affect Female Hormones Intermittent fasting is a term used to describe a variety of eating patterns...

14 December 2022

DHEA VS DHEA-S DHEA and DHEA-S have become key markers in hormone testing. Their role in producing sex hormones makes them essential for a...

3 November 2022
 Sleep & Cortisol

Impact of Stress on Sleep Sleeping difficulties pose a significant struggle to a large portion of patients. Approximately 33% to 50% of the adult...

8 October 2022
 3 Benefits of Offering Premenopausal Hormone Testing

Explaining the Benefits of Hormonal Testing to Premenopausal Patients As you consult with middle-aged women about transitioning to the premenopausal...

28 September 2022
 Keto Diet

Keto And Hormones: Reasons to Test Hormones Before Going Keto Before recommending any major dietary changes — including a ketogenic diet — it’s best...

26 July 2022
 How to Increase Elasticity in Your Skin Naturally

Men and women alike ask how to minimize wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines, and other signs of premature aging. These skin aging conditions can be...

15 July 2022

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