
 Foods for Semaglutide

Discover how a holistic approach to semaglutide treatment, emphasizing dietary modifications and B12 supplementation, can optimize patient outcomes....

16 July 2024
 Hair Loss

Hair Loss – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Despite the popularity of natural treatments and preventative measures, hair loss remains a prevalent...

22 April 2024
 Heart Failure Signs

Heart Failure: Signs, Diagnosis, and Natural Treatment Options Cardiovascular diseases remain the primary cause of death worldwide. Heart failure...

2 January 2024
 Hormone Biomarkers & Testing

Measuring Hormone Levels Can Help Doctors Address Chronic Health Issues Hormones are the building blocks of everything from fertility to metabolism...

10 October 2023

The Importance of Proper Medical Testing Before and During Semaglutide Treatment Although Semaglutide has become known as an effective weight loss...

18 August 2023
 Fatigue in Patients

How Can We Help Patients Fight Fatigue with Comprehensive Laboratory Testing? Fatigue is a hallmark of everything from minor ailments to chronic...

27 June 2023
 Benefits of Photobiomodulation Therapy

Photobiomodulation: What is it, and how does it affect health? For centuries, light has been recognized for its vital role in health and wellness....

18 June 2023
 Urine Heavy Metals

A Guide to Toxic Metals from Exposure to Detoxification Chronic toxicity has become the next insidious health crisis. Aluminum, arsenic, mercury, and...

10 June 2023
 Detox & Heavy Metals

Detoxifying in a Toxic World: How to Combat Environmental Toxins Our world is changing. In the past 75 years, dozens of newly introduced chemicals...

25 May 2023
 Exercise & Sleep

Exercising for 30 Minutes a Day Improves Sleep Quality The importance of good sleep cannot be overstated. It is an essential aspect of our overall...

20 May 2023

How Oral Health Affects Patient Wellness Many of your patients are focused on what they eat and how it affects their body. Yet, every day, they...

25 April 2023
 Adrenal Testing

Adrenal Hormones and Testing Adrenal responses define many of your patients’ day-to-day lives. Adrenal hormones are instrumental in sleep, focus, and...

12 April 2023
 Personalized Diet

Developing Personalized Diets Decades of research have highlighted the role of diet in whole-body health. A proper, balanced diet does more than...

6 April 2023

New Allergies and Sensitivities A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that over 40% of...

25 January 2023

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