
 Communicating Lab Testing to Patients

Allergy testing plays a pivotal role in identifying and managing various health conditions, yet patients often underappreciate its benefits. This can...

31 July 2024
 Food Allergy & Sensitivity

How Common Are Food Allergies in Adults? A study published in the JAMA Network Open medical journal sheds light on the prevalence and severity of...

19 February 2024
 Allergies & Innflamation

Understanding the Connection Between Inflammation & Health For decades, inflammation has remained a central issue for the medical community. It...

24 January 2024
 Food Allergy & Sensitivity

The Impact of Adult Food Allergies in the US Calls for Enhanced Management A survey study published in the National Library of Medicine, conducted...

9 January 2024
 Allergy & Food Sensitivity

Food Sensitization and Cardiovascular Mortality In a study published by The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, researchers investigated the...

8 December 2023

New Allergies and Sensitivities A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that over 40% of...

25 January 2023
 Food Allergies in Children

How Parents Can Help Prevent Food Allergies in Kids According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, food allergies affect about...

22 January 2023
 Food Sensitivity & Brain Health

Systemic Inflammation and the Brain Food sensitivities are associated with a wide range of symptoms, from abdominal pain and bloating to rashes like...

18 January 2023

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